Shining Stars Children’s Charity (CIO)
Shining stars is a registered charity that provides free sensory play sessions and events for children with additional needs and their families
A fun, friendly and supportive group for all the family to enjoy
Useful links
Natalie sparrow 07751 570510
Ages: 0-25
Cost info: Free
Times and hours: Tuesdays 3.30-5pm First Saturday of the month
Venue / location: Love’s Farm House, 17 Kester Way, PE19 6SL
Turn up or book? Just turn up
Wheelchair-accessible venue? Yes
Wheelchair-accessible toilets? Yes
Suitable for seated participants? Yes
Volunteering opportunities: If you would like to make a difference and have a few hours spare every week then we would love to hear from you. Various roles available.
Volunteering contact: