St Neots Choral Society
The award-winning St. Neots Choral Society has 70 members, sopranos, altos, tenors and basses, was established in 1971 and performs 4 concerts a year.
2021/22 is the 50th Anniversary season of our award-winning choir and new members are always welcome. Singing is fun, very good for you and you’ll make new friends too. No auditions necessary – everybody can sing so come and give it a try. We are very friendly and will make you feel very welcome.
Useful links
Peter Waugh 01223 874004
Times and hours: Rehearsals, in term time, Wednesday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Venue / location: Eynesbury C of E School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury, St Neots PE19 2TD
Wheelchair-accessible venue? Yes
Wheelchair-accessible toilets? Yes