
St Neots Chess Club

Chess Club for all levels of players.

St Neots & District Gardening Club

A forum where local gardeners can meet each other. We have presentations on gardening topics, outings and visits to gardens and nurseries.

St Neots Round Table

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Make friends, have fun, try things you've not done before, and put something back into your local community!

St Neots Astronomy Association

A small friendly club, with interest and passion for learning our way around the night sky.

Eaton Belles WI

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A monthly meeting enabling women to come and spend time together. A visiting speaker every month incorporating a variety of subject matters.

Royal Naval Association

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Once Navy always Navy, we are here to support all who have served and are still serving.

St Neots TimeBank

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Members skills are used to help people in need. The time they give can be used to do a skill for themselves or exchange hours for Tempo Vouchers.