Revamp the Ramp
Leisure and social, Outdoor places, Places, Sport and fitness, Things to doRevamp the ramp is a user group formed to ensure the longevity and upkeep of the St.Neots skatepark
Eaton Ford Methodist Church
Community, Faith, Places, Venues for hirePlace of worship and fellowship.
Premises available to hire for regular or one off use. Full kitchen facilities available.
St Neots Town Football Club Function Suite Hire
Places, Venues for hireTwo fantastic function suites and a meeting room ideal for day or evening hire.
St Neots Library
Arts and culture, Places, Things to do, Venues for hireAnyone who is living, working or studying in Cambridgeshire or neighbouring counties, or visiting is welcome to join the liibrary
Creation Care
Outdoor places, PlacesMonthly working party to keep St Mary's Churchyard Eaton Socon tidy
The Pightle
Leisure and social, Outdoor places, Places, Things to doAn area of nearly 6 and a half acres of unspoilt countryside. The name is taken from an old map of Eaton Socon showing names of fields in the early 1800’s.
Wednesday Welcome Friendship Group
Community, Faith, Places, Venues for hireA group which meets every Wednesday 3-4,at St Marys church Eaton Socon for tea and cake, various activities and occasionally a visit or meal out.
The Friends of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
Leisure and social, Outdoor places, Places, Things to doThe Friends support the management agency (Huntingdon District Council) of Paxton Pits Nature Reserve through fundraising and volunteer effort.
Riverside Park and Regatta Meadows
Outdoor places, PlacesThe park is close to St Neots town centre and is divided by the bridge over the River Great Ouse.