Care Mirco Enterprise
Care Micro-Enterprises (CMEs) are local people we are helping to set up their own small businesses. They provide their neighbours with personalised care and support, and other services that maintain independence at home.
We know that when it comes to care and support, people value flexibility, continuity, and the ability to build a trusting relationship with a local person. We want to give people choice, but we also want to make sure the choice is well informed.
We started the Care Together Programme in 2021. Care Together is a shared vision, developed with the community and our partners. It includes designing local services to help our changing population to stay living independently at home for longer.
Cambridgeshire County Council commissioned an organisation called ‘Community Catalysts’ to run a pilot project in East Cambridgeshire. The aim was provide more options for care for older people by developing and supporting Care Micro-Enterprises. The pilot project ended in July 2023.
We now have Care Micro-Enterprise Development Officer roles covering all districts of Cambridgeshire. The Care Micro-Enterprise initiative also now supports adults of any age.
Focusing on districts allows us to provide tailored support to meet local needs. We aim to empower local Care Micro-Enterprises to create solutions to meet that need.
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