Ramblers Wellbeing Walks
You can enjoy a local walk at your own pace, but with the added benefit of being in the company of other walkers and trained walk leaders.
Ramblers Wellbeing Walks are led by first aid trained volunteer health walk leaders. Most walks cover 3-4 miles and last approximately 1 hour. On our website you will find up to date walk details, meeting locations and times. Pre booking is encouraged either via the One Leisure App, or by phoning 01480 388111
Useful links
www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/leisure/health-walks/ www.facebook.com/HDCactivelifestyles www.instagram.com/hdc_active/ www.twitter.com/HDC_Active
One Leisure Direct 01480 388111
email: activelifestyles@huntingdonshire.gov.uk
Ages: All ages
Cost info: Free
Turn up or book? Book in advance
Wheelchair-accessible venue? Walks colour coded ‘Green’ are wheelchair and pushchair accessible. See our website for details.
Wheelchair-accessible toilets? Walks colour coded ‘Green’ are wheelchair and pushchair accessible. See our website for details.
Suitable for seated participants? No
Volunteering opportunities: Our Ramblers Wellbeing Walks scheme wouldn’t exist without our fantastic volunteers. The main skill we look for is a enthusiasm for walking and its benefits! We would also like our volunteers to be observant, punctual and reliable, patient, organised with good communication skills and approachable.
Volunteering contact: activelifestyles@huntingdonshire.gov.uk / 01480 388111